I am led by the Holt Spirit to inform you of the evil plan behind COVID-19 and the reason for the lock down in all nations of the world.
Please look at the picture below and below the picture are detailed information that you need regarding what is currently happening in all nations of the world.
NWO {New World Order)
NWO’s main plan and goal is to create a one world government, economy and religion and according to Revelation 13, the Antichrist will be pushing and ride on this idea in order to control the whole world.
They’ve been able to come up with an idea of ID2020 which will be achieved through vaccination and technology to achieve their plan and goal of one world government, economy and religion.
This ID2020 idea was created to achieve the New World Order (NWO), and the NWO’s plan is to create a one world government, economy and religion in order to control the world through ID2020. Their plan is to introduce ID2020 through the digital ID vaccine which carries the Mark of the beast.
The ID2020 will be in your body to track and control your mind like other devices, meaning you can no longer be yourself, as your mind is being controlled and this is how COVID-19 and 5G comes in. Please see their execution process below, as I provided detailed information on how they are trying to use COVID-19 and 5G to introduce ID2020 {the Mark of the beast) .
IOT (internet of things) goal is to connect everything such as your devises including your body to allow them to control you and the devises are controlled. Signals can be sent to your brain to control your thoughts and you will no longer be yourself, you will worship Satan as they put thoughts into your mind.
This means you no longer have control over yourself, as a man is governed by his thoughts. The scripture also says, as a man thinks so is he. This is the reason why God said, if anyone takes the Mark of the Beast is forever doomed. NWO’s plan and goal is to control the human race. They are planning to vaccinate children regardless of their parent’s opinion.
We have been praying and fasting regarding this and God is speaking. I am also led to call all children of God, all Christians to arise. This is not the time to sleep and rest, but to seek God and find out what the Holy Spirit is saying.
The signal in 5G is so strong and has a sickening effect that will force people to embrace the idea of digital vaccine and the digital vaccine is catting ID2020 (the Mark of the beast). The plan for 5G is to affect people with disease to give them a reason to make you take their digital vaccine with ID2020.
Remember, they are currently setting up 5G in our streets, while the nations are on lock-down."
You can find two videos that I posted on Instagram, as I couldn’t post it here. These videos are showing how they are currently laying 5G on the streets.
COVID-19 is another strategies to create fear in people as you saw in the picture above in order to force them to embrace the idea of the digital ID vaccine (the mark of the beat) to track them.
Remember, many people are dying from COVID-19 because they are not being treated, they are being left to die, even though it has been proven Chloroquine can treat this virus.
Saudi Arabia has officially endorsed Chloroquine to treat the people. Some are recovering as they would recover from a flu. Another thing to consider is that, well known doctors are prosecuted when they say COVID-19 is not different from a flue, these group are coming after them and silencing them.
I will also advise you to do your research, as the media cannot be trusted whatsoever,
NWO are revising articles on their websites, as they noticed people are studying the subject. God has allowed me to share this truth and I will continue to do so as he instructs and lead me.
As the scripture says, my people are destroyed because of lack of Knowledge, according to Hosea 4;6.
Saints, God is not doing this to us or punishing us, but instead it’s the wickedness in heart of men who love money more than the lives of others. God expects us to resist their plan in prayer and voice our concerns as the Holy Spirit lead us.
Most importantly resist and rebuke the thoughts and spirit fear, as God did not give us the spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind. Again, as said in my previous articles “this is not the time for Antichrist according to the word of God in 2 Thessalonians 2:5-10 and we cannot allow them to execute their plan In the name of Jesus Christ.”
We are not alone in this fight; we are standing on the word of God and victory is ours, as God is with us. Heaven is backing us, and ministering spirits are already at work, ministering on our behalf. Removing and destroying those 5G they have set up on our streets in the name of Jesus Christ. It is not by power of might, but the spirit of God.
As a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I am called to preach and teach the church of Jesus Christ in all nations of the world with help of the Holy Spirit.. I am sent to bring light and solution to all situations in our world through the word God. I am sent to and enlighten, encourage and strengthen your faith. You have the faith that you need and it need to be strengthened continuously in times like this.
If you have yet to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, then this is the time for you to make that decision, as you don't have much time left. This is the time to truly live for Jesus Christ and serve him. I pray the Holy Spirit will help you make that decision.
Congratulation if you've decided to receive salvation, eternal life and make Jesus Christ your Lord and savior today. Pleas find the Salvation prayer on our Prayer & Testimony page.
Please contact us using the information provided below for more information for your spiritual growth.
C.G.G News Article