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Updated: Jan 4, 2021

It has been proven that the predicted number of infected people in the US were wrong and it was also confirmed that flu and pneumonia deaths are also being numbered as COVID-19 deaths. The numbers are not adding up and their plan was to get the world’s attention in order to build up fear in people and control them.

We praise our Lord Jesus Christ, because fear is completely destroyed and the spirit of truth has taken over our nations and he is reigning. As we are praying about this issue, we must recognize that it’s important to investigate this COVID-19 issue. We are to find out what led to it in the first place, because what the nations are going through is not different from a state’s capture. If you pay a careful attention to numerous statement from these groups officials who are offering digital vaccine, you will notice that for years they have been suggesting that nation states should give over their powers to some International organization to control the world. This means nations will be receiving orders or instructions from outside international organization, just like what is currently happening in all nations of the world, receiving orders and instructions from WHO on how to handle the public in regard to COVID-19.

Their major focus is to create a one world government, religion and economy and they are also the same groups with the idea of population reduction. It’s unreasonable for nation states to give all of their powers to one organization rule the world, that’s too much power in wrong hands.

Note: As I mentioned on my previous article, “these are the same organization that have been pushing drastic reduction of population idea for years, as a solution to the world’s economic and health problems. How can those with the ideology of drastic population reduction produce a vaccine to keep us alive. The Bible says in Revelation 17:12-14, the nations will give their power to the Antichrist (the beast) and the bible refers to them as the beast because their operation is under the I influence of Satan and they are caring out Satan’s plan to the world.

Another thing to remember is that, their time to operate in our word has yet to come, as they are to operate after the rapture and we will not allow them to operate while the church of Jesus Christ is still here.

We will continue to rebuke and restrain their operation according to 2 Thessalonians 2:5-10, in the name of Jesus Christ. 180 countries are affected by this and all of them took the instruction of shutting down. I will continue to say that COVID-19 is curable, as it’s been proven that chloroquine can treat and cure this virus. Other countries have endorsed chloroquine and their number of recoveries have increased tremendously.

Many people have died because they were not being treated, not because of lack of solution for COVID-19 and I don’t understand this need of digital vaccine that some nations are waiting on. They have allowed people to die and refused to endorse the medication that has been proven to treat this virus and are determined to wait for a vaccine that has not been tested or proven to be the solution to this virus.

I am grateful to God for an answered prayer, as the spirit of truth has taken over the nations, I have noticed voices of truth are rising and people are asking good questions, because the light of God is here and it is shining over the nations. We called on to him for celestial intervention with our Man God and the Spirit of Truth is here, Blessed be God forever.

We must be wise not allow those with hidden and evil agenda to influence our lives in any shape or form. They must be cut off complete and not have any voice on what happens with our lives.

I will also like to encourage you to raise your voices as the Holy Spirit leads you, as this is not the time to remain silent. Raise your voices and speak as the Holy Spirit leads you.


If you have yet to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, then this is the time for you to make that decision, as you don't have much time left. This is the time to truly live for Jesus Christ and serve him. I pray the Holy Spirit will help you make that decision.

Congratulation if you've decided to receive salvation, eternal life and make Jesus Christ your Lord and savior today. Pleas find the Salvation prayer on our Prayer & Testimony page.

Please contact us using the information provided below for more information for your spiritual growth.

C.G.G News Article

Pastor Esther Birungi.

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