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Updated: May 18, 2022

According to WHO staying at home is no longer working, as people are still getting affected. They are now planning on entering people’s homes by force and removing family members. They planning on taking away those who are affected from their homes by force if they experience resistance.

Their plan is to take children or younger generation and vaccinate them and implant the ID2020 (The Mark of the Beast) in their body in order to track and control them. The video in reference to this report is provided below. It’s surprising how the WHO official was at ease when he made the statement of going in people’s homes and separating them by force. This comes to show you the time we are living in.

These are the same organization that have been pushing drastic reduction of population for years, as a solution to the world’s economic and health problems. How can those with the ideology of drastic population reduction produce a vaccine to keep us alive.

They are really pushing with their evil plan, as their planning on reevaluate this lock down in June for the first series, as there is a second and third series and as I mentioned on the previous article, their plan is keep the lock down as a norm to gain more control over the nations.

They are still pushing 5G installation as well, because COVID-19 and 5G is what they are using as tool to force people to take the digital vaccine that carries ID2020 (The Mark of the Beast)

5G Will help them create a new man, a human that is controlled by technology. People’s mind and emotions will be controlled, as this digital vaccine that carries ID2020 (The Mark of the Beast) will be in people’s body to connect them to 5G that are being installed on our street.

These systems will allow them to control people’s mind and even introduce thoughts into their minds that will make them worship the devil and do what they ask them to do. That is the reason why the bible says, anyone who takes the mark of the beast is completely doomed, as there is no returning back.

You can research Event 201 if you want to learn of their suspected accurate plan or “prediction” of COVID-19 held last year.

This evil plan will not succeed in the name of Jesus Christ for we’ve destroyed it and we are overcome in Christ Jesus. We are standing on the word of God and according to Proverb 19:21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.


According to their plan {prediction), as prediction is their ways of introducing their plan. When we are listing, we are to listen to what is being said and what is not being.

So many are going to die in Africa, much more than they have had anywhere. We bind, rebuke, restrain, arrest and cast out their evil plan in the name of Jesus Christ.


I’m calling you all Christians to continue to pray and stand with us on our second week Prayer and fasting and prayer. We bless the Holy Spirit revealing the truth to us in order to pray accurately, pray with an understanding of the word of God for this time and the understand of what is happening in our nation today. The fasting is from 1:00 AM to 6:00 PM

WHEN PRYAING When we are praying about this issue, we are to pray with the understanding that God is not doing this to us, as grace has been made available and we are not begging God, but instead we are to rebuke and condemn this evil plan in all nations of the world.

Remember when Moses was in the front of the red sea and he was crying out to God and God told him not to cry. but instead he was instructed dived the sea and make a way for the children of Israel. We’ve been given the name of Jesus Christ that is above all names.

God is not the author of evil. This evil was created by Satan trying to move ahead of time, as this is not the time Antichrist to operate while the church is still here and he is using his children to try to bring his evil plan to pass through deception and murdering people, just like it is recorded in John 8:44.

It is our job to stop this according to 2 Thessalonians 2:5-10. The church must rebuke and condemn this evil plan, restrain them and declare the will of the father.

We are to use the authority that Jesus Christ has given us through his name. Bible says, the name of Jesus Christ has been highly exalted above all other name on earth, in heaven and under the earth and at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ every knee must bow down and every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ is Lord.

We declare the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all nations and rebuke and condemn this evil plan of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ.


Please pray that God will give our leaders courage and boldness to say NO to 5G, vaccine with ID2020, getting in People's home & separating them by force and release nations from lock down, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


If you have yet to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, then this is the time for you to make that decision, as you don't have much time left. This is the time to truly live for Jesus Christ and serve him. I pray the Holy Spirit will help you make that decision.

Congratulation if you've decided to receive salvation, eternal life and make Jesus Christ your Lord and savior today. Pleas find the Salvation prayer on our Prayer & Testimony page.

Please contact us using the information provided below for more information for your spiritual growth.

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Pastor Esther Birungi

C.G.G News

Pastor Esther Birungi.

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