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Updated: May 18, 2022

The lock-down is not because of coronavirus and the number of deaths reported are not the result of the lack of treatment for COVID-19, as coronavirus is curable if people are treated with the medication that are proven to treat this virus.

The people should be given the drugs, as It’s has been proven Chloroquine does treat COVID-19 and not be left to die. It is called murder when you restrain people from every solution to their problem and leave them to die.

There are number of recoveries in other countries that have endorsed the use of Chloroquine that have yet to be reported, because they don’t want people to know that there is a solution in order for them to continue with the execution of ID2020 through digital vaccine and 5G in our streets . As I stated on my previous article “ The signal in 5G is so strong and has a sickening effect that will force people to embrace the idea of digital vaccine and the digital vaccine is catting ID2020 (the Mark of the beast). The plan for 5G is to affect people with disease to give them a reason to make you take their digital vaccine with ID2020.

Remember, they are currently setting up 5G in our streets, while the nations are on lock-down."

Reason for the Lock down & Plan to keep it as a Norm

The reason for the lock-down is to prevent all measure of protest and restrain direct communications and questions while they are installing 5G in our streets.

They’ve closed down our churches and have allowed people to gather online, but their plan is to also burn the online preaching as well as China did. An order of banning all online preaching has been issued in China. China was ahead of all nations as far as executing their evil plan.

Note. Some of COVID-19 deaths reported in China were actually caused by the sickening effect of 5G. People in China were dying from sickening effect of 5G.

They are also planning on keeping the lock-down to become our norm, as they are saying coronavirus has helped the earth shake less and I've noticed some reporters that are highlighting benefit of the lock-down during their interviews. Those are indirect message of introducing their plan. This is the point where we will lose all freedom and move into dictatorship leadership.

A call to all saints

Mathew 13:25-26 says, while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.

Dear saints, please don’t sleep or depend on the media, but do your own research, as 90% of the news today is compromised and the same media is the tool that has been spreading the corrupt news of fear and deception. They’ve deceived many by providing them with compromised information to corrupt their minds.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to you and help you discern every information that comes your way. Join us in this one week of fasting and praying. The fast is from morning 1:00 AM until 6:00 PM.

Prayer For Government Leaders

Most of all, Pray for all government leaders in all nation of the world,. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them see the truth and have the courage, boldness and wisdom to resist and stop this deception.

Billions of dollars have been invested into to this project, but be encouraged because prayer has no boundary.

I am led by the Holy Spirit to share this insight with all the nations of the world and I am asking you to please share this with all believers you know, as they need to also pray, prepare and act when the Holy Spirit leads them.

Share with unbelievers as well, because they will need to hear the gospel in order to receive salvation. Also, don’t forget to join this one-week fasting prayer, as it will also help your spirit to be attentive and alert. Please contact us if you are joining the fast in order to updated.

Thank you and God bless you All.


If you have yet to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, then this is the time for you to make that decision, as you don't have much time left. This is the time to truly live for Jesus Christ and serve him. I pray the Holy Spirit will help you make that decision.

Congratulation if you've decided to receive salvation, eternal life and make Jesus Christ your Lord and savior today. Pleas find the Salvation prayer on our Prayer & Testimony page.

Please contact us using the information provided below for more information for your spiritual growth.

C.G.G News

Pastor Esther Birungi.

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